-Use custom skins by agario AUTO-updateable skin library -Design animated skins from the library, choose how whow quick/slow they can must be changed -Use generated code as Script on Console -Use generated code as your a new Userscript *This webpages generates code, compatible with all known extensions! **Known issues: -Name should be used -If using Legend Mod, do not use any backgroud because the bold grid will appear. Use Default Template, enable vanilla skins and your name -For generated Userscripts compatibility with other mods you may need (for developers): ... // @grant none // ==/UserScript== ... setInterval(function() { // put this after the above code //Put here the rest code }, 100); //as 100, it is 0.1 sec, find the exact timing for compatibility Similar projects (libraries) for all extensions: Custom skins: Skin Checker: